Michael Crichton said, “Great books aren’t written– they’re rewritten.”
Because there is differenced end of line in dos and unix.
# open file that error in vim
:set noendofline binary
# set where is global gitignore file
$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
# write some ignore file in global gitignore
$ echo "tags" >> ~/.gitignore_global
git stash
git stash pop
git revert
git config --global alias.tree "log --graph --decorate --oneline --abbrev-commit"
git config --global alias.hist "log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short"
$ git tag -a <tag name> <commit id> -m “desc"
$ git push origin —tags
$ git pull --tags
Should keep database.php.example and config.php.example in the repo. Then add config.php and database.php to the .gitignore file.
git pull
: A better workflowThe intended workflow is:
Create a private branch off a public branch.
Regularly commit your work to this private branch.
Once your code is perfect, clean up its history.
Merge the cleaned-up branch back into the public branch.